
18 Jan

I feel like I’ve been floating around in space these last few days. Between struggling to write press releases trying to beat the deadline like the master procrastinator that I am, sleeping at almost 4 to 5 am for days doing mostly nothing remotely essential, and eating virtually whatever I laid my eyes on (working at home can do WONDERS to your diet), it’s no wonder I’m starting to resemble an overweight zombie who smells like rotten pasta. Last week I almost mistook Tuesday for Friday. Go figure.

Sleeping late and chugging endless amounts of coffee for some much-needed kick  and being socially deprived as a home-based worker is… not pretty.

Anyway, I’ve been wanting to write about my awesome trip to Bohol last weekend but somehow I am no longer capable of composing anything awesome due to..well..everything I just said earlier.  Harhar.

So, hopefully, these pictures will do the trick.

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